the greenprint series by eveology

Thank you for supporting

‘The Greenprint Series’ Initiative

Initially, we’re seeking local input from the DMCs and the destination tourism community to support and contribute to this new event planning guide and inspiration page.

The questionnaire is very general – so please complete as much as you can contribute in the respective sections.

If you believe there is a notable sustainability contributor in your destination to this guide, please share their details to me and I will offer an invite.


Thank You


Paul Evans



the greenprint survey



Please do not share too much information on each product or service at this stage. The page will primarily be an image based site, with title, subtitle, couple of lines of text plus link.

Kindly indicate those products and services which have made a notable/credible contributions, in your opinion, to sustainable event offerings in the destination. These will be highlighted and spotlighted. I would recommend marking each idea, product or service with * to ***. With * asterisk being moderate, ** being above average and *** being a sustainable superstar.

Links would be beneficial but we can source if necessary.

If you share any creative ideas for events which you believe to be your own intellectual capital, please indicate against the idea and we will indicate within the content. We don’t want you to hold back with inspirational content!

Do not be limited to the questions. Anything which helps showcase the destination particularly with sustainability in mind – please add in the final notes column.

Unfortunately, participation in the survey does not guarantee a listed profile on the final page. However, credit will be given to all contributors via company names and links if content is utilised.

Contributors to the spotlight will be credited with a link. Please be sure to include in case you are featured.

What's New

Please highlight up to 3 key new destination highlights which have launched in the last 12 months or in the pipeline. These are destinations features which could be event possibilities eg. new hotels, restaurants, experiences, transport options, visitor attractions, new private venues. Priority will be those with sustainability at the core of offering.

Please indicate with * if they have notable sustainable credentials/achievements. These will be highlighted.

Please indicate with * if they have notable sustainable credentials/achievements. These will be highlighted.

Please indicate with * if they have notable sustainable credentials/achievements. These will be highlighted.

Cape Town Experiences

Please indicate with * if they have notable sustainable credentials/achievements. These will be highlighted.

Please indicate with * if they have notable sustainable credentials/achievements. These will be highlighted.

Traditional classic Cape Town experiences – but also new, creative and off the radar possibilities?


A chance to highlight some creative ideas for pre-event teasers and room gifts. The focus will be on quality, sustainable gift ideas but do not limit your thinking at this stage.

Please indicate with * if they have notable sustainable credentials/achievements. These will be highlighted.

Virtual Products

This secton will promote virtual ideas during COVID plus ideas for post COVID. Are you aware of any destination virtual products or experiences which may benefit the planner, or post-COVID for events requiring a technical, virtual event experience. Please share links to any notable virtual service provider you wish to highlight. Also any venues which are notable for digital / hybrid meetings.

Please indicate with * if they have notable sustainable credentials/achievements. These will be highlighted.


Please indicate ideally 3 recommended hotels in each category. Appreciate suggestions may be influenced by size of group and other factors, but in general terms. Please indicate with * if they have notable sustainable credentials/achievements. These will be highlighted.

Evening Venues – Restaurants & Private Venues

Here we plan to highlight a range of the best and lastest venues for off-property dining, dine-arounds or exclusive use.

Please indicate with * if they have notable sustainable credentials/achievements. These will be highlighted.

Please indicate with * if they have notable sustainable credentials/achievements. These will be highlighted.

Please indicate with * if they have notable sustainable credentials/achievements. These will be highlighted.

Your event legacy

This will highlight special CSR ideas which could be available to a corporate incentive or meeting. Please give a headline on each idea (ie not too much info at this stage) and web links if available. Ideally, three principal ideas which are most powerful in the destination. We expect CSR ideas to be more powerful if there is a strong legacy aspect of the idea.

Please indicate with * if they have notable sustainable credentials/achievements. These will be highlighted.

Away from the City

For programmes which want more space and less of an urban experience, can you summarise a few ideas in the Western Cape and near to CPT.

Twin Centre Destinations

Have you seen or experienced multi-centre programes with your destination? Aware of any perfect twin-centre ideas which have easy flight access from your destination? Such as beach or safari destinations. Any notable sustainable venues and destinations?

Secret City Q&A

There will be an area which is video-based – and we want to include a few locals revealing their secret tip, place to go, idea. Which could be an event ingredient ideally but not essential. This will require simple, approx. 20 seconds, best quality smartphone production with engaging personalities revealing some creative ideas. Is this something you feel you can support?

Finally ….

Any other information to benefit this initiative?

Thank You